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Dream incubation workshop

Time: 2017/06/10 [The event has been held, this is the event archive]
Lecturer:Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D. Dr. Stephen Aizenstat (Founder and President Emeritus of the Pacific Institute, and Professor in the Department of Depth Psychology.)
Brief introduction:
Dreaming is the homework of life. For thousands of years, doctors, storytellers and poets have been well versed in this way, and they have also expressed their own words. Through the passage of generations, the art of nurturing dreams came into being, especially when the natural world is regarded as a living body, it is even more important and urgent.

In this workshop, students will be able to construct practical dream-nurturing skills that are rooted in traditional and nascent dream work. The method of nurturing dreams was developed by Dr. Eisenstadt, based on the techniques of association, magnification and animation pioneered by Freud and Jung, and developed by James Hillman Expanded with Marion Woodman. Nurturing dreams allows us to experience vivid dreams and reflect reality. By leading and nurturing dream imagery, we rediscover and experience new ways of life, and our body and mind will receive more healing.

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時間:2017/06/10  【活動已舉辦,此為活動存檔】
講師:Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D. 史蒂芬艾森斯塔博士(太平洋研究所的創校者與名譽校長,也是深度心理學系的教授。)

在這次的工作坊中,學員將能建構實際的撫育夢技巧,而這些技能是根植於傳統與新生的夢工作法。撫育夢的方法由艾森斯塔博士發展,建立在佛洛依德與榮格首創的聯想、放大與賦活(animation)的技術之上,並藉由詹姆士・希爾曼(James Hillman)與瑪莉恩・伍德曼(Marion Woodman)加以擴展。撫育夢可以讓我們體驗鮮活的夢境、體現真實的一面。藉由主導與撫育夢的意象,我們重新發掘、經驗生命的新途徑,而身心靈將得到更多的療育。

Kim Chen


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