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The awakening of cultural complex

The awakening of cultural complex

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Awakenings to Cultural Complexes . Structure, Images, Affect and Their Intergenerational Consequences)

Speaker Samuel Kimbles (International Jungian Analyst/Clinical Psychologist/Former President of the Jungian Institute of San Francisco; see poster for details)
Time: 2021/9/25~11/06, a total of six online lectures, a total of 12 hours of course introduction of cultural complex, with real-time English subtitles, you can watch the video with Chinese subtitles after class. Time: 2021/9/25~11/06, a total of six online lectures, a total of 12 hours of course introduction of cultural complex, with real-time English subtitles, you can watch the video with Chinese subtitles after class.
[This course has been held, this page is archived by the society]
Free //Introduction before class:
Jungian analyst Haowei Wang will spend two hours introducing a series of courses on "Awakening of Cultural Complexes" that will be taught by Samuel Kimbles in the future. The talk was titled "Cultural and Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis: How Does Jungian Psychoanalysis Deal With This?"
Time: (Taipei time) 2021.9.18 (Sat) 0900-1000 2021.9.18 (Sat) 1-3 pm.
These two lectures are free courses. If you are interested, please write to the Taiwan Jungian Psychology Society before 3 pm on September 17 (Friday) to register:
(Only need to inform the Chinese name when registering, so that it can be checked when zooming in)
The Society will provide a link to the course before 9:00 pm on September 17 (Friday).
Hosted by: Taiwan Jungian Psychological Society, Knowledgeable Psychology
[This course has been held, this page is archived by the society]
Posted by 2022.7.6 最新消息 No Comments

文化情結之覺醒The awakening of cultural complex

文化情結之覺醒The awakening of cultural complex

Home / 最新消息 / 文化情結之覺醒The awakening of cultural complex

講座全名:文化情結之覺醒:結構、意象與情感及其產生的代際效應(Awakenings to Cultural Complexes . Structure, Images, Affect and Their Intergenerational Consequences)

主講人Samuel Kimbles (國際榮格分析師/臨床心理學家/舊金山榮格學院前任主席;詳見海報)
榮格分析師王浩威將用兩小時的時間來介紹未來Samuel Kimbles將主講的「文化情結的覺醒」系列課程。這場演講的題目定為「文化和心理治療/心理分析:榮格學派心理分析如何處理這個問題?」
時間:(台北時間)2021.9.18(六) 上午0900-10002021.9.18(六) 下午1~3點。

Kim Chen


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