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Interpretation of “The Anatomy of the Mind”

For those who study Jungian psychology, how to understand and apply the concepts of alchemy in clinical practice is often difficult to understand. To understand Jung's thought through the works interpreted by analysts is to learn Jungian psychology. one of the ways. When it comes to an introduction to Jungian alchemy, Jungian analyst Edward F. Edinger's "Anatomy of the Psyche" is a must-read classic. Edinger brought Jungian philosophy to a new generation of analysts in the United States through lectures and writings. He lectured and practiced in Los Angeles for the last 20 years of his life. As a trainee, he has become an analyst and has been studying with Eddinger for a long time; in addition, Li Qi has been a mentor of the Taiwan Jungian Development Group since 2016, and has been assisting the training of Taiwanese Jungian analysts for a long time. This course is narrated and inherited by her. Edinger's understanding of Jung's theory is a good way and method for clinical professionals who are interested in in-depth study and application of Jung's thought, or friends who are interested in understanding the image and meaning of alchemy.
●This course is divided into 8 lessons, which will be taught online, and will be narrated and discussed in English. Afterwards, the online video and audio versions with English and Chinese subtitles will be provided for repeated viewing. After the Chinese translation of this book is published, a copy will be given to the students.
●Please refer to the picture for details and time. Fee: The original price is 6,000 yuan, and the early bird discount is 4,500 yuan before November 20; the Taiwan Jungian Psychological Society member is 5,000 yuan, and the early bird discount is 4,000 yuan. Please provide your name/telephone/professional background/employee unit and professional title, as well as your Jungian psychology-related learning experience by E-mail. After the notification is approved, you can complete the registration by paying the fee. For details, please refer to the pictures. For registration, please send:

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對於學習榮格心理學的人而言,如何理解及應用煉金術的概念於臨床實務上,往往感到艱澀難懂,透過分析師們闡釋的著作來理解榮格的思想,是學習榮格心理學的方式之一。提及榮格煉金術的介紹,榮格分析師Edward F. Edinger(愛德華.艾丁格)所著《Anatomy of the Psyche》是必讀的經典。 艾丁格透過講座及著作將榮格理念帶給美國新一代的分析師,其生命最後的20年於洛杉磯講學與執業,本課程的主講者Chie Lee(李琪)於洛杉磯榮格學院,從學員身份到成為分析師,長期跟隨艾丁格學習;此外李琪自2016年起,為臺灣榮格發展小組之導師,長期協助臺灣榮格分析師的訓練,本次課程由她來講述與傳承艾丁格對榮格學說的理解,對於有心深入學習與應用榮格思想的臨床專業者,或是有心理解煉金術意象及意涵的朋友,是很好的途徑和方式。

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Kim Chen


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